- Title
- Table of Contents
- Editorial (by Bernd Seifert)
European Law
- Die EU-Kommission und die Sexualmoral (by Lorenz Böllinger) [Abstract English/German]
- Die europarechtliche Regelung der Einführung der Top Level Domain “.eu” auf Verordnungsebene (by Orsolya Fercsik Schnyder) [Abstract English/German]
- Unilateral Effects and the EC Merger Regulation – How The Commission Had its Cake and Ate it Too (by Neil Horner) [Abstract English/German]
- Euthanasia Legislation in the European Union: is a Universal Law Possible? (by J. Lucy Pridgeon) [Abstract English/German]
Comparative & International Law
- Die „neue Beziehung“ des Ex-Gatten als Unterhaltsausschlussgrund? Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen Recht (by Mirjam Helg) [Abstract English/German]
- Vertrag mit Schutzwirkung zugunsten Dritter nach schweizerischem Recht (by Cyrill Rieder) [Abstract English/German]
- Clear and Complete Disclosure in Biotechnology Patent Applications – A Comparison of the Laws in the USA, Europe and India (by Aniruddha Sen) [Abstract English/German]
- A Soft Law Reality Check: Reflections on the Role and Influence of Council of Europe Expert bodies on Standard- Setting in European Human Rights Law with Special Reference to Normative Impacts on the Czech Republic (by Matthias C. Kettemann) [Abstract English/German]
- The United States’ opposition to the International ‘Kangaroo’ Court: legal and practical implications (by Georgie Coleman) [Abstract English/German]
- Reconciling Freedom of Expression and Flag Desecration: a Comparative Study (by Kabir Duggal and Shreyas Sridhar) [Abstract English/German]